Guia 7 Dias - Volume 1

3 o dia / third daY IPaNEMa, LEBLoN & aRPoadoR 40 Coleção 7 Dias / ColleCTion 7 DaYs nothing but a bunch of tanned locals sharing space with tourists in search of sun. but the formers know well that this whole mass is divided into different tribes. the most alternative guys occupy the kiosk posto 9, the lgbt community crowds the sandstrip in front of rua Farme de amoedo (Farme de amoe- do st.) and, for families, there is the so-called baixo bebê – a space at the baixo (lower) leblon area that is dedicated to kids – opposite the corner of rua delfimmoreira (delfimmoreira st.) with rua general venancio Flores (venancio Flores st). the neighborhood also keeps nice shopping opportunities for those willing to pick cup bargains at the stalls of the Feira hippie de ipanema (ipane- ma’s hippie Fair) on sundays; at the galleries and shops of rua visconde de pirajá (visconde de piraja st.), a true open-air mall; and at the air-conditioned corridors of the shopping leblon (leblon mall). during these strolls, there’s always a great chance to bump into celebrities such as the acclaimed com- poser, singer and writer Chico buarque, both on the promenade and on its adjacent streets. thanks to it all, this trendy spot of rio de Janei- ro’s coast gathers never-ending options for good dining. there are so many bars and restaurants boas opções gastronômicas. são tantos ba- res e restaurantes que levaria um mês para conhecer tudo. então, basta escolher um de- les e se divertir de dia e à noite. a av. ataulfo de Paiva, no leblon, concen- tra os mais famosos, como o clássico boteco jobi, o moderninho T.T. Burger, que serve o melhor hambúrguer do rio, e a pizzaria Gua- nabara. outras casas que valem a visita na região são o Bracarense (rua josé linhares, 85), dono de tira-gostos maravilhosos; o Bar do adão (rua Conde Bernadotte, 26), com pasteizinhos de dar água na boca; o Chico e alaíde (rua Dias Ferreira, 679/loja B), com um bolinho melhor que o outro; e o Zazá Bistrô Tropical (rua joana angélica, 40), que serve pratos veggies . ipanema e leblon real- mente são de todos. that it would take a month to get to know all of them. thus, just pick one of the venues and have fun day and night. the avenida ataulfo de paiv a (ataulfo de paiva ave.) in leblon concentrates the most famous ones, such as the classic pub Jobi; the hyped t.t. burger, which serves the best burger in the city; and the pizzaria guanabara (guanabara pizzeria). other places worth visiting in the region are the bar bra- carense (rua José linhares, 85), which owns won- derful appetizers; the bar do adao (rua Conde ber- nadotte, 26), with its mouth-watering salted pastries; Chico e alaíde (rua dias Ferreira, 679, store b), with delicious dumplings, one better than the other; and the Zaza bistro tropical (rua Joana an- gelica, 40), that serves veggies dishes. ipanema and leblon are really for everyone.

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